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In the 1950s, Duewag started to develop an articulated variation of its four-axle Großraumwagen, based on articulation technology used by trams in Rome. This design was delivered to many tramways, particularly in Germany. In 1977 and 1978, Oslo Sporveier tested a Duewag GT8S (3052) tram from Rheinbahn. In 1979, Oslo Sporveier ordered ten vehicles from Duewag, with planned delivery in 1982. In addition, fifteen units would be license-built by Strømmens Verkseted, with delivery the following year. All the motors were built by the Norwegian company Norsk Elektrisk & Brown Boveri (NEBB). The trams built in Germany were transported to Oslo by railway. The first vehicle was delivered on 13 April 1982 and put into service on 2 July. The last German-built tram was put into service on 13 September. The German trams were numbered 101 through 110. Oslo was the third tramway in the world to take into use thyristor controlled motors on the main part of their fleet of trams, after the systems in Helsinki, Finland, and Hanover, Germany.[5]
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